Articole despre tehnici martiale
Explicaţia nu este una de tip oficial ci este ceea ce eu am reţinut de la numeroasele antrenamente cu Soke în Japonia şila Taikai-uriinternaţionale.
in categoria: ninjutsu
Am să mă opresc în acest nou articol pentru presa românească de arte marţiale,asupra unuia dintre cele mai importante stiluri de Penchak Silat dintre cele
in categoria: silat
Kushanku no kata este unul dintre cele mai răspândite forme din karate. Din nefericire, majoritatea variantelor de Kushanku şi-au pierdut înţelesurile orig
in categoria: karate
Aprecierea complexă a efortului în judo
Viteza proceselor de restabilire este diferită şi tocmai în funcţie de durata refacerii capacităţii de efort, determinată şi ea de amploarea solicitări
in categoria: judo
Lupta pentru priză (kumi-kata)
Lupta pentru kumi-kata reprezintă impunerea unor prize specifice unui procedeu sau unui combatant, în funcţie de particularităţile somatice ale celui din u
in categoria: judo
Cele mai frumoase lovituri din Taekwondo
Un filmulet care contine cateva lovituri de Taekwondo care pe mine m-au impresionat.
in categoria: taekwon-do
Ce este Kung Fu? Ce este Wushu? Cum pot fi practicate artele marţiale? În ce constau artele marţiale chinezeşti? Vom încerca să dăm la o parte vălul de
in categoria: wushu
În jurul anului 520, călugărul budist Bodhidharma, instruit în religia Budismului Ma-yana (Marele Vehicul), cunoscută în China ca Chan, iar mai târziu ca
in categoria: kung-fu
Traditional Aikido – Vol.1 Basic techniques
This book intends to explain the fundamental relationships between the use of ken, jo, and taijutsu. It was written with the consideration that it should be use
in categoria: aikido
Traditional Aikido – Vol.2 Advanced techniques
The previous book covered the relationships between the basic techniques and practice methods of jo ken, and taijutsu. This volume explains the application and
in categoria: aikido
Traditional Aikido – Vol.3 Applied techniques
Volume 3 has been devoled exclusively to the introduction of AIKIDO techniques involving the use of the body. These techniques are almost unlimited in number an
in categoria: aikido
Traditional Aikido – Vol.4 Vital techniques
The current series of books on AIK1DO entitled "Coordinated Relationships Between Ken (sword), Jo (stave) and Taijutsu (empty-handed techniques)" was to have be
in categoria: aikido
The martial arts are based upon understanding, hard work and a total comprehension of skills. Power training and the use of force are easy, but total comprehens
in categoria: karate
Do you feel self-confident enough lo handle any situation that might arise? If not, prepare for a radical change In your like. Here, on these pages, the world-
in categoria: karate
The 100 Deadliest Karate Moves
I wrote The 100 Deadliest Karate Moves as a practical text for the serious martial arts student or teacher. It is soley meant to be used as a reference in pract
in categoria: karate
Bruce Lee flashed brilliantly like a meteor through the world of martial arts and motion pictures. Then, on July 20, 1973, in Hong Kong, like a meteor—he vani
in categoria: karate
Chinese Gung Fu (The Philosophical Art of Self-Defense)
As mentioned before in my previous book, "Modern Kung Fu Karate", that the Brick Breaking and Iron Hand Training is not a necessary part of Gung Fu training - t
in categoria: karate
The art of expressing the human body
When asked to write this foreword for one of John Little's definitive volumes on the life, art, and philosophy of Bruce Lee, I thought to myself, Where do I sta
in categoria: karate
Techniques described in this book are meant to damage and even kill your opponent, though being properly executed are very damaging and some are potentially let
in categoria: kickboxing
The Throws & Take – Downs of Judo
There has been a lot said of late about the art of grappling or, more specifically, the art of ground fighting. The grappling arts are enjoying a well-earned an
in categoria: judo
Xingyiquan (Theory, Aplications, Fighting Tactics and Spirit)
Since the 1960s, Chinese martial arts have become more and more popular in the Western world. This is especially true of the internal styles such as Taijiquan
in categoria: xingyiquan
The Definitive Guide to Wing Chun’s History and Traditions
I began the study of Wing Chun kung-fu at the age of sixteen. I was already a black belt in taekwundo at the time, and involved in the study of escrima and amis
in categoria: kung-fu
The Essence of Tai Chi Chi Kung
Chi Kung, the study of the energy in the universe, is one of the greatest cultural achievements which China has contributed to the human race. It was through th
in categoria: qwan-ki-do
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Self-Defense Techniques)
By buying this book, you have just made a commitment to learning the safest and most effective system of self-defense available Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Self-Octane
in categoria: jiu-jitsu
The complete book of Jiu-Jitsu
I have been studying jiu-jitsu for over 36 years and during that time I have seen it rise from obscurity to great prominence in the Martial Arts. When I first b
in categoria: jiu-jitsu
For these and other reasons I really really like the Cane. And so I wrote this book to teach the basic moves and techniques of Cane-Jitsu. The art of using a Ca
in categoria: jiu-jitsu
Pentjak-Silat (The Indonesian Fighting Art)
What we present in this book is an introductory approach to the fascinating but relatively little-known combative art of Indonesia that is called "pentjak-silat
in categoria: silat
The Complete Book of Wrist Locks
I have always loved to do wrist locks since I first began my martial arts training over 35 years ago. From the very beginning I knew that wrist locks were one o
in categoria: jiu-jitsu
What is Self Defense? (Kenpo Jiu - Jitsu)
jiu jitsu, arte martiale, carti, gratis
in categoria: jiu-jitsu
Aikido is an inexhaustible source of wonder and enjoyment, but the practice may be very different from anything you have ever done before. The only way to under
in categoria: aikido
Aikido este o artă neobişnuită, cu principii izvorând din artele marţiale şi din filozofie. Spre deosebire de alte arte marţiale, esenţa aikido e indepe
in categoria: aikido
O energie infinita sta la dispoziţia fiecăruia dintre noi daca ştim sa o folosim. Omul timpurilor noastre, copleşit de progresul ştiinţei si uneori victim
in categoria: aikido
„Aikido pentru toţi" conţine amintirile şi ideile autorului despre Arta marţială pe care a îndrăgit-o şi studiat-o zeci de ani. Cititorii vor găsi id
in categoria: aikido
The 116 Wing Tsun Dummy Techniques is the name of a book being planned for publication ever since the death of my father, the late Grandmaster Yip Man. As the h
in categoria: kung-fu
The Way of Internal Gunh-fu The Erle Montaigue System
Sudden Violence is an apt name for the eclectic martial arts or self-defense system that I now teach. The name was suggested to me by a friend and student, Doug
in categoria: kung-fu
Qigong for Health and Martial Arts
Qigong and martial arts training are closely related. Anyone who studies martial arts should study Qigong, because without a good healthy body, how can you cons
in categoria: kung-fu
The Essence of Kung-fu Taiki-Ken
Never in its history has budo, the martial way, prospered so much as it has in the three decades that have passed since the end of World War II. Today many diff
in categoria: kung-fu
Marele Pumn Rosu – Da Hong Quan
Artele de luptă cu şi fară arme au înflorit în China antică în jurul secolului VI i.d.H. După unii autori, menţionarea lor în diverse izvoare istorice
in categoria: kung-fu
Haw to Use T’ai Chi as a Fighting Art – Erle Montaigue
It gives me great pleasure to write the foreword for Erie Montaigue's book "HOW TO USE T'AI CHI (as a fighting art)". This book should be of great interest to b
in categoria: kung-fu
Chi-Kung Development and Practical Aplication
This book is about kung fu, specifically the Wing Chun system of kung fu. Even more specifically, it is about the often mystical or secretive internal Chi-kung
in categoria: kung-fu
Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Gah Gee
The following is derived from a translation of the classical writings con--erning Tai Chi which are said to date back to the Ming Dynasty (approx. 1362). Tai
in categoria: kung-fu
T'ai Chi Ch'uan is an ancient Chinese art of self-defense. In the old days only noblemen could learn the art; it has been practiced in China for one thousand ye
in categoria: kung-fu
Thoughts on Learning Baguazhang
A special thanks is due to Erie Montaigue. If in the last decade I have finally begun to understand what "internal" can mean in the the context of bagua, it has
in categoria: kung-fu
Knife Throwing Tehniques of the Ninja
A knife is the first weapon given to a Ninja. He or she learns Tanto-jitsu, knife art. As well as becoming an expert in hand-to-hand combat, a Ninja learns to t
in categoria: ninjutsu
Ninja were the Ultimate Warriors of feudal Japan. Cloaked in darkness and secrecy, the Ghost-Soldiers of the Invisible Fist struck fear into the hearts of their
in categoria: ninjutsu
Dacă tot acest site este un site de arte martiale mi se pare normal să vorbim şi despre unul dintre cei mai mari practicanţi de arte marţiale şi anume de
in categoria: karate
Pentru a fi un practicant de arte marţiale foarte bun, părerea mea este că trebuie să cunoşti şi corpul uman (cum este format, care este capacitatea lui l
in categoria: karate
Citate si vorbe inteligente din arte martiale!
Tineti minte cand va uitati la un film de arte martiale, ca mereu maestrul ii zice o fraza inteligenta elevului, si acesta o isi aduca aminte de ea in ultiama l
in categoria: karate