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Articole despre aikido

Articole despre aikido

Traditional Aikido – Vol.1 Basic techniques

This book intends to explain the fundamental relationships between the use of ken, jo, and taijutsu. It was written with the consideration that it should be use

Traditional Aikido – Vol.2 Advanced techniques

The previous book covered the relationships between the basic techniques and practice methods of jo ken, and taijutsu. This volume explains the application and

Traditional Aikido – Vol.3 Applied techniques

Volume 3 has been devoled exclusively to the introduction of AIKIDO techniques involving the use of the body. These techniques are almost unlimited in number an

Traditional Aikido – Vol.4 Vital techniques

The current series of books on AIK1DO entitled "Coordinated Relationships Between Ken (sword), Jo (stave) and Taijutsu (empty-handed techniques)" was to have be

Aikido of Columbus

Aikido is an inexhaustible source of wonder and enjoyment, but the practice may be very different from anything you have ever done before. The only way to under

Aikido Dinauntru in Afara

Aikido este o artă neobişnuită, cu principii izvorând din artele marţiale şi din filozofie. Spre deosebire de alte arte marţiale, esenţa aikido e indepe

Aikido Calea Armoniei

O energie infinita sta la dispoziţia fiecăruia dintre noi daca ştim sa o folosim. Omul timpurilor noastre, copleşit de progresul ştiinţei si uneori victim

Aikido Pentru Toti

„Aikido pentru toţi" conţine amintirile şi ideile autorului despre Arta marţială pe care a îndrăgit-o şi studiat-o zeci de ani. Cititorii vor găsi id