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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Self-Defense Techniques)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Self-Defense Techniques)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Self-Defense Techniques) – Royce Gracie & Charles Gracie




By buying this book, you have just made a commitment to learning the safest and most effective system of self-defense available Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Self-Octane Technique will teach you how to neutralize any attacker in almost any situation without causing serious injury It will give you a confidence on the streets you may never have had.

II you are at all familiar with Brazilian jiu-jitsu, you probably know that It has revolutionized the martial arts world in the past decade, and you probably know that Gracie is perhaps the best known name in the martial arts What you may not know as that the Grades began leaching Brazilian jiu-jitsu as a means of sell defense, beginning in Rio do Janeiro in the 1920s. As Brazilian jiu-jitsu has come to dominate mixed martial arts (MMA) competitions, and emphasis has shifted to the sport aspect of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, the street worthiness of the art has been neglected. On the streets, fancy competition sweeps and gi lapel chokes are not effective. Therefore, in a sense this book takes Brazilian jiu-jitsu back to its roots by taking it out of the ring

As Royce Gracie explains, "A fight does not start with a referee asking if you are ready It generally starts with an aggressive action, an unexpected attack If you can't escape from that attack and bring the situation to your comfort tone, then you are in for a long day l have seen many people well versed in Brazilian iiu jitsu get into trouble because they couldn't escape- from a certain hold "

What is it about Brazilian |iu jitsu that makes it so effective as a sell-defense system? We can break the answer into four main points: it is designed to work even when you are surprised and in a poor position, it is designed by small people to defeat larger ones, it allows you to develop Instantaneous reactions by practicing in extremely lifelike exercises, and it provides you with a range of severity in dealing with your attacker. Let's examine these points one by one.




Introduction / 1

The History of Brazilian Jiu-Irtsu/4

Meet the Authors /7

Training Guidelines / 13

 The Position! / 19

001 Dropping in base / 20

002 Maintaining your base / 22

003 Single-handed wrist grab (thumb up) /24

004  Single-handed wrist grab (thumb down) / 26

005 Two handed front choke/ 28

006 Learning to fall backward / 30

007 Learning to fall to the side / 32

008 Single handed collar grab / 34

009 Forward roll / 36

010 Headlock with punches / 38

011 Hip throw / 40

012 Choke from behind /42

013 Overhead dub attack/44

014 Standing up in base/46

015 Gun at the waist / 48

016 Guillotine (front choke) / SO

017 Headlock on the ground (frame escape) / S2

018 Rear bear hug (over the arms) / 54

019 Two-handed wrist grab/ 56

020 Front kick / 58

021 Side headlock / 60

022 Overhead knife attack / 62

023 Front hear hug (over the arms) / 64

024 Hold up (gun in the stomach) / 66

025 Overhead club attack (defender misses grip) / 68

026 Headlock (strong opponent)/70

027 Underhand knife attack/72

028 Single-hand choke against a waif / 74

029 Gun in the back of the waistband / 76

030 Side kick (attack) / 78

031 Guillotine counter to a double-leg takedown / 80

032 Collar grab with a twisted wrist / 82

033 Sucker punch / 84

034 Headlock (bent down)/86

035 Front bear hug under the arms / 88

036 Overhead club attack (charge) / 90

037 Choke and drag from behind/ 92

038 Hold up from behind/94

039 Headlock (hooks escape) / 96

040 Front choke (strong aggressor) / 98

041 Rear bear hug (under the arms) / 100

042 Two handed collar grab (hands apart) / 10?

043 Guillotine (standing up)/104

044 Knife attack from behind / 106

045 Two-handed choke against a wall (bent-finger escape) / 108

046 Two handed collar grab {hands together) / 110

047 Elbow strike / 112

048 Rear bear hug (lifted up) / 114

049 Tackle /116

050 Headlock (kneeling and rolling escape)/ 118

051 Shoulder grab with bent arm /120

052 Shoulder grab with straight arm / 122

053 Knife attack from behind (knife against neck) /174

054 Straight-arm collar grab with high grip /126

055 Pinned against a wall I 178

056 Hand chop / 130

057 Palm against the chest /132

058 Rear bear hug (over the arms—head butt escape) / 134

059 Rear bear hug (over the arrm-heel strike) / 136

060 Underhand knife attack (straight arm block) / 138

061 Headkxk (bent down-sitting back escape)/140

062 Underhand kn.fe attack (straight-arm block—opponent resists)/ 142

063 Chair attack / 144

064 Gun from behind (hostage pemtion) / 146

065 Single handed collar grab (thumb down) / 148

066 Front kick (deflecting the foot) / 150

067 Knife attack from the side/152

068 Collar grab with stiff arm / 154

069 Wrestler head-and-arm hold (bridge jnd roll escape) / 156

070 Backhand knife attack / 158

071 Two-handed choke from behind / 160

072 Haymaker / 162

073 Swinging weapon / 164

074 Two-handed front choke (escape with shoulder lock) / 166

075 Side kick (defense) / 168

076 Headlock against the wall/170

077 Hand slap/ 172

078 Breaking up a fight / 174

079 Full nelson / 176

080 Full nelson (can't break out—throw escape) / 178

081 Full nelson (completely locked) / 180

082 Full nelson (roll and throw escape) / 182

083 Headlock (attacker counters earlier moves) / 184

084 Headlock (escape with multiple adjustments) / 186

085 Wall kick / 188

086 Front throat grab /190

087 Headlock (bending back)/192

088 Gun to the ribs / 194

089 Guillotine choke (pulling up /' 196

090 Handshake grab / 198

091 Handshake grab (quick defense) / 200

092 Headlock (aggressor against the. wall) / 202

093 Side-kick defense (aggressor avoids takedown) / 204

094 Guillotine (arm trapped) / 206

095 Guillotine (arm trapped  control defense) / 208

096 Choke from behind while silting down / 210

097 Choke from behind white sitting down (attacker pulls you up) / 212

098 Accosted from behind while sitting / 214

099 Vide headlock (hip throw)/ 216

100 Ann push /218

101 Hall nehon/220

107 HAII nelson (wrist lock escape) / 222

103 Wrestler head-and-arm hold (attacker resist) /224