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The Complete Book of Wrist Locks

The Complete Book of Wrist Locks

The Complete Book of Wrist Locks - Ted Gamboredella

I have always loved to do wrist locks since I first began my martial arts training over 35 years ago. From the very beginning I knew that wrist locks were one of the most effective control techniques of the Martial Arts and one that didn't require a lot of strength, speed or stamina. But they did require a lot of practice. For even the simplest wristlock is very sophisticated and though they may look very simple to the average observer they are in fact very difficult to master. It is always very funny to watch a great aikido or jiu-jitsu master doing some marvelous wristlock, causing great pain and anguish to the student and to then have the other students try to do the same thing. They never get it right and never make it look so simple. That is the beauty of wrist locks, they look so easy, yet they require significant practice to master.


I decided to write this book on wrist locks to teach the beginning student the correct ways to practice wrist locks and the correct applications of basic and advanced wrist locks. You will learn the Correct way to start and finish all wrist locks. You will also learn the correct way to practice the wrist locks. And you will learn to finish the wrist locks, standing up and from the ground. You will not learn to do unrealistic wrist locks that are too complex for the average person to do and would in fact require years of hard training. You will be able to do all the wrist locking techniques found in this book after only a few weeks of practice and they will all be effective control and self defense technique against even the largest of opponents.


An important reminder to students while practicing their wrist locks. You must learn to do the wristlock correctly and this means you MUST CAUSE PAIN to the wrist when you are applying the wristlock. It does not do the student trying to learn any good at all to have his partner tap out when they start the wrist lock, at the first start of feeling any pain. They must feel the pain, and the student practicing must know what it feels like to cause the pain and how they started the technique and where and when the pain came in. You must not intentionally hurt your partner, but you must hurt them a little to learn to do the wrist locks correctly. This might sound contradictory, when I say you must hurt them but you must not hurt them intentionally. But you will understand after you begin your practice. You must learn where and when the pain comes in and how start and stop the pain. You must learn control. And that takes practice and patience and a good partner.