What is Self Defense? (Kenpo Jiu - Jitsu)
What is Self Defense? (Kenpo Jiu - Jitsu) – J.M. Mitose
The following exercises should be food and memorized before practicing.
Remember in oil the following exercises, when striking your board, do not think it is just a board but think it is your opponent Of enemy, that means evil of this world. Keep your eyes sharply on it and watch it as you strike. Right-handed persons should always start with the left punch, with double exercises on the left punch to develop speed and strength, same as the right, while left-handed person* begin with the right, with double exercises on the right punch. When practicing your punching, (if your punching speed is about 10, be sure your returning speed is that means your returning speed must be foster than your punching speed.
Reason: To be prepared for the next atack or defense, especially if opponent knows judo or jiu jitsu; they may be able to grab your arm or sleeve and throw you down, so the speed is needed for quick preparation of the next attack.
After you have developed your fist, stood close to the board and practice short punches. Remember when your fist touches the board, tighten your fist and at the some time put in abdomena and waist strength Or "Kiai".
- The Kempo Art of Exercises………………………………………………………1
- The Kempo Art of Kiking exercises………………………………………………9
- Punching and Striking Defenses…………………………………………………14
- Kiking Defenses………………………………………………...………………..27
- Escape Defenses………………………………………………………………….35
- Lock, Break and Throw Defenses………………………………………………..62
- Weapon Defenses………………………………………………………………...71
- Women and Grils Defenses……………………………………………………...89