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Articole despre kung-fu

Articole despre kung fu


În China, in sec.XII generalul YAOWEI creează stilul


În jurul anului 520, călugărul budist Bodhidharma, instruit în religia Budismului Ma-yana (Marele Vehicul), cunoscută în China ca Chan, iar mai târziu ca

The Definitive Guide to Wing Chun’s History and Traditions

I began the study of Wing Chun kung-fu at the age of sixteen. I was already a black belt in taekwundo at the time, and involved in the study of escrima and amis

Wing Tsun Dummy Tehniques

The 116 Wing Tsun Dummy Techniques is the name of a book being planned for publication ever since the death of my father, the late Grandmaster Yip Man. As the h

The Way of Internal Gunh-fu The Erle Montaigue System

Sudden Violence is an apt name for the eclectic martial arts or self-defense system that I now teach. The name was suggested to me by a friend and student, Doug

Qigong for Health and Martial Arts

Qigong and martial arts training are closely related. Anyone who studies martial arts should study Qigong, because without a good healthy body, how can you cons

The Essence of Kung-fu Taiki-Ken

Never in its history has budo, the martial way, prospered so much as it has in the three decades that have passed since the end of World War II. Today many diff

Marele Pumn Rosu – Da Hong Quan

Artele de luptă cu şi fară arme au înflorit în China antică în jurul secolului VI i.d.H. După unii autori, menţionarea lor în diverse izvoare istorice

Haw to Use T’ai Chi as a Fighting Art – Erle Montaigue

It gives me great pleasure to write the foreword for Erie Montaigue's book "HOW TO USE T'AI CHI (as a fighting art)". This book should be of great interest to b

Chi-Kung Development and Practical Aplication

This book is about kung fu, specifically the Wing Chun system of kung fu. Even more specifically, it is about the often mystical or secretive internal Chi-kung

Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Gah Gee

The following is derived from a translation of the classical writings con--erning Tai Chi which are said to date back to the Ming Dynasty (approx. 1362). Tai

The Wu Style of Tai Chi Chuan

T'ai Chi Ch'uan is an ancient Chinese art of self-defense. In the old days only noblemen could learn the art; it has been practiced in China for one thousand ye

Thoughts on Learning Baguazhang

A special thanks is due to Erie Montaigue. If in the last decade I have finally begun to understand what "internal" can mean in the the context of bagua, it has