Xingyiquan (Theory, Aplications, Fighting Tactics and Spirit)
Xingyiquan (Theory, Aplications, Fighting Tactics and Spirit) – Liang, Shou-Yu & Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming
About the Author
Master Liang, Shou-Yu
Master Liang, Shou-Yu was born June 28, 1943 in the city ofChongqing,Sichuan Province,China. When he was six he began his training in Qigong, the art of breathing and internal energy control, under the tutelage of his renowned grandfather, the late Liang, Zhi-Xiang . He was taught the esoteric skills of theEmeiMountainsect , including Da Peng Qigong. When he was eight, his grandfather made special arrangements for him to begin training Emei Wushu .
In 1959, as a young boy, Mr. Liang began the study of Chin Na and Chinese Shuai Jiao (Wrestling). From I960 to 1964 he devoted his attention to the systematic research and practice of Wrestling, Wushu, and other training.
In addition to the advantage of being born to a Wushu family, Mr. Liang also had the chance to come into contact with many of the legendary grandmasters. By the time he was twenty, Mr. Liang had already received instruction from 10 of the most well-known contemporary masters of both Southern and Northern origin, who gladly instructed and inspired this ardent, young man. His curiosity inspired him to learn more than one hundred sequences from many different styles. His study of the martial arts has taken him throughout mainlandChina, having gone toHenanProvinceto learn Chen styleTaijiquan,HubeiProvince (Mit-i) to learn the Wudang (A't) system, andHunanProvinceto learn the Nan Yue system.
With his wealth of knowledge, Mr. Liang was inspired to compete in martial arts competitions, in which he was many times a noted gold medalist. During his adolescence, Mr. Liang won titles in Chinese wrestling (Shuai Jiao), various other martial arts, and weight lifting.
As he grew older, through and beyond his college years, his wide background in various martial arts helped form his present character, and led him to achieve a high level of martial skill. Some of the styles he concentrated on include the esoteric Emeisystem ( ), Shaolin ( ), Long Fist (Changquan, ), Praying Mantis (Tang Lang, Cuo Jiao , Xingyi , Bagua , Taiji, Liu He Ba Fa , Shuai Jiao , Chin Na ), vital point striking, many weapons systems, and several kinds of internal Qigong.
Mr. Liang received a university degree in biology in 1964. However, it was a time of political turmoil, and because of his bourgeois family background the Communist government sent him to a remote, poverty stricken village to teach high school. However, despite this setback, Mr. Liang began to organize Wushu teams in the local community, and he trained numerous farmer-students in Wushu and wrestling.
Then came a disastrous time in modern Chinese history. During the years of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1974), all forms of martial arts and Qigong were suppressed. Because he came from a bourgeoisie family, Mr. Liang was vulner-able to the furious passions and blind madness of the revolutionaries. To avoid con-flict with the red guards, he gave up his teaching position. However, he then used this opportunity to tour the various parts of the country to visit and discover great masters in Wushu, and to make friends with people who shared his devotion to and love for the art. Mr. Liang went through numerous provinces and large cities, visiting especially the many renowned and revered places where Wushu originated, was developed and polished. Among the many places he visited were Emei Mountain, Wudang Mountain , Hua Mountain (IM), Qingcheng Mountain, Chens village, in Henan ( H&), the Cangzhou Territory in Hebei Province , Beijingand Shanghai . In eight years he made many Wushu friends and met many great masters, and his mastery of the techniques and philosophy of the art grew to new horizons.
At the end of the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese government again began to support the martial arts and Qigong, including competition. There was a general consensus that they should organize and categorize the existing martial and internal arts. Research projects were set up to search out the old masters who remained alive, select their best techniques, and organize their knowledge. It was at this time that theSichuangovernment appointed Mr. Liang as a coach for the city, the territory, and the province. So many of his students were among the top martial artists ofChinathat in 1978 he was voted one of the top national coaches since 1949. He also received acclamation from thePeoplesRepublicof China Physical Education and Sports Commissions. After that he often served as judge in national competitions.
After the Cultural Revolution, despite his many official duties Mr. Liang continued to participate actively in competitions at the provincial and national level. Between 1974 and 1981 he won numerous medals, including four gold medals. His students also performed superbly in national and provincial open tournaments, winning many medals. Many of these students have now become professional Wushu coaches or college Wushu instructors themselves. Other students have become Wushu trainers in the armed forces, or have become movie actors in Wushu pictures. In 1979, Mr. Liang received several appointments, including membership in the Sichuan Chapter of the China National Wushu Association, and an executive membership of the Wushu Coaches Committee. 1981 marked a new era in the course of Mr. Liang's life when he first visitedSeattle, a coastal city in the state ofWashingtonin theU.S.A.His art impressed every one of the Wushu devotees immediately, and the Wushu and Taiji Club of the Students Association of theUniversityofWashingtonretained him as a Wushu Coach. At the same time, Mr. Liang was giving lessons in the Taiji Association inSeattle. In the following year, Mr. Liang went north toVancouver,Canada, and was appointed Taiji Coach by the Villa Cathy Care Home. The same year, he was appointed Honorary Chairman and Head Coach by the North American Taiji Athletic Association.
In 1984, Mr. Liang was appointed Chairperson and Wushu Coach by theSchoolofPhysical Educationof theUniversityofBritish Columbia. In 1985, Mr. Liang was elected coach of the First Canadian National Wushu Team, which was invited to participate in the First International Wushu Invitational Tournament which took place in Xian China. Competing against teams from 13 other countries, the Canadian team won second place.
In 1985, Mr. Liang was again elected coach of the Second Canadian National Wushu Team, which competed in the Second International Wushu Invitational Tournament held in the city ofTianjin China. A total of 28 countries participated. This time, the Canadian team earned more medals than any other country except the host country. Mr. Liangs role and achievements were reported in 14 newspapers and magazines throughoutChina, and the performances and demonstrations of the Canadian Team and Mr. Liang were broadcasted on the Sichuan television station.
Mr. Liang has not limited his contributions to Wushu only toVancouver,Canada. He has also given numerous lectures and demonstrations to Wushu professionals and instructors in theUnited States, including instructors and professionals from such disciplines as Karate, Taiji, and others. Students in such cities asHouston,Denver,Boston, andNew Yorkhave benefited from Mr. Liangs personal touch. Mr. Liang has also judged in the National Wushu Tournament in theU.S.A.Mr. Liang has also produced an instructional video program teaching Liangong Shi Ba Fa Qigong in conjunction with the Chinese National Qigong Institute.
About the Author
Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, Ph.D.
Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming was born on August 11th, 1946, inXinzhu Xian,Taiwan, Republic of China. He started his Wushu (Gongfu or Kung Fu, training at the age of fifteen under the Shaolin White Crane (Bai He, Master Cheng, Gin-Gsao (1911-1976). Master Cheng originally learned Taizuquan from his grandfather when he was a child. When Master Cheng was fifteen years old, he started learning White Crane from Master Jin, Shao-Feng), and followed him for twenty-three years until Master Jin's death.
In thirteen years of study (1961-1974) under Master Cheng, Dr. Yang became an expert in the White Crane Style of Chinese martial arts, which includes both the use of barehands and of various weapons such as saber, staff, spear, trident, two short rods, and many other weapons. With the same master he also studied White Crane Qigong , Qin Na (or Chin Na, Tui Na () and Dian Xue massages SUMO, and herbal treatment.
At the age of sixteen, Dr. Yang began the study of Yang Style Taijiquan under Master Kao, Tao After learning from Master Kao, Dr.Yang continued his study and research of Taijiquan with several masters and senior practitioners such as Master Li, Mao-Ching and Mr. Wilson Chen in Taipei (Master Li learned his Taijiquan from the well-known Master Han, Ching-Tang (IMtS), and Mr. Chen learned his Taijiquan from Master Zhang,
Xiang-San Dr. Yang has mastered the Taiji barehand sequence, pushing hands, the two-man fighting sequence, Taiji sword, Taiji saber, and Taiji Qigong. When Dr. Yang was eighteen years old he enteredTamkangCollegein Taipei Xian to study Physics. In college he began the study of traditional Shaolin Long Fist (Changquan or Chang Chuan, with Master Li, Mao-Ching at the Tamkang College Guoshu Club (1964-1968), and eventually became an assistant instructor under Master Li. In 1971 he completed his M.S. degree in Physics at theNationalTaiwanUniversity, and then served in the Chinese Air Force from 1971 to 1972. In the service, Dr. Yang taught Physics at theJuniorAcademyof the Chinese Air Force while also teaching Wushu. After being honorably discharged in 1972, he returned toTamkangCollegeto teach Physics and resumed study under Master Li, Mao-Ching. From Master Li, Dr. Yang learned Northern Style Wushu, which includes both barehand (especially kicking) techniques and numerous weapons.
In 1974, Dr. Yang came to theUnited Statesto study Mechanical Engineering atPurdueUniversity. At the request of a few students, Dr. Yang began to teach Gongfu (Kung Fu), which resulted in the foundation of the Purdue University Chinese Kung Fu Research Club in the spring of 1975. While at Purdue, Dr. Yang also taught college-credited courses in Taijiquan. In May of 1978 he was awarded a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering by Purdue.
In 1980, Dr. Yang moved toHoustonto work for Texas Instruments. While inHoustonhe founded Yang's Shaolin Kung Fu Academy, which was eventually taken over by his disciple Mr. Jeffery Bolt after moving toBostonin 1982. Dr. Yang founded Yang's Martial Arts Academy (YMAA) inBostonon October 1, 1982.
In January of 1984 he gave up his engineering career to devote more time to research, writing, and teaching. In March of 1986 he purchased property in the Jamaica Plain area ofBostonto be used as the headquarters of the new organization, Yang's Martial Arts Association. The organization has continued to expand, and, as of July 1st 1989, YMAA has become just one division of Yangs Oriental Arts Association, Inc. (YOAA, Inc.).
In summary, Dr. Yang has been involved in Chinese Wushu since 1961. During this time, he has spent thirteen years learning Shaolin White Crane (Bai He), Shaolin Long Fist (Changquan), and Taijiquan. Dr. Yang has more than thirty-two years of instructional experience: seven years inTaiwan, five years atPurdueUniversity, two years inHouston,Texas, and eighteen years inBoston,Massachusetts.
In addition, Dr. Yang has also been invited to offer seminars around the world to share his knowledge of Chinese martial arts and Qigong. The countries he has vis¬ited include Argentina, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda, Botswana, Canada, Chile, England, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, and Venezuela,
Since 1986, YMAA has become an international organization, which currently includes 51 schools located inArgentina,Belgium,Canada,Chile,England,France,Holland,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Poland,Portugal,South Africa,Spain,Venezuelaand theUnited States. Many of Dr. Yang's books and videotapes have been translated into languages such as French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Russian, Hungarian, and Iranian.
Since the 1960s, Chinese martial arts have become more and more popular in the Western world. This is especially true of the internal styles such as Taijiquan
Xingyiquan and Baguazhang. This has happened because more and more people are realizing that by practicing these arts they can not only learn effective techniques for self defense, but they can also gain a significant improvement in their health.
This fact is not surprising if you understand that the internal Chinese martial styles are based on Qi theory, and are considered to be part of Qigong (internal energy) training. Qi is the Chinese word for the natural energy of the universe. Qigong is the science of this energy, especially as it circulates in the human body. The Chinese have been studying Qi for over four thousand years, and they have learned how to apply their knowledge of this energy to meditation and to certain types of movement in order to improve physical and mental health and increase longevity. They have found that Qi theory and principles can also be used to increase muscular power to a much higher level than normal. This is done by energizing the muscles with Qi through the concentrated, meditative mind.
Although Xingyiquan is classified as an internal style, its theory and principles of defense and applications are different from those of the best-known internal style, Taijiquan. While Taijiquan emphasizes power that is as soft as a whip, Xingyiquan uses power which is like rattan—soft at the beginning and hard at the instant of striking. While Taijiquan emphasizes using defense as an offense, Xingyiquan emphasizes using offense as the defense. While Taijiquan focuses on middle and short range fighting techniques, Xingyiquan concentrates on short range fighting. In this, Xingyiquans Jin (martial power, ) seems to resemble White Crane's, yet it has its own unique theories of defense and offense. Xingyiquans power must always remain soft internally, yet it must be hard externally whenever necessary.
Although Xingyiquan has only five basic movements, their variations and applications are unlimited. It is like dancing the waltz—which has only three basic steps, but hundreds of variations. Therefore, although the beginner will find Xingyiquan easier to learn than many other arts, it will still take more than ten years of pondering and practice to reach the deeper level of understanding and application. Because of this, it is a good style for a beginner who does not have any experience in the internal styles. It is also good as a second internal style for those who have already learned one, and it will increase their understanding of their first style. For those who are only interested in health, Xingyiquan provides a few simple movements which will achieve that goal.
When you read this book, it is especially important for you to understand Xingyiquan's theories and principles. They will serve as a map, and provide you with clear directions to lead you to your goal in the shortest possible time. If you do not understand the theory, what you learn will be only flowers and branches, and it will have no root.
About the Author—Master Liang, Shou-Yu
About the Author—Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming
Preface—First Edition by Master Liang, Shou-Yu
Preface—First Edition by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming
Preface—Second Edition by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming
Chapter 1. General Introduction —……………………………………………………….1
1-1. Introduction
1-2. What is Xingyiquan
1-3. History of Xingyiquan
1-4. Marshal Yue, Fei
1-5. The Contents of Xingyiquan
Chapter 2. The Foundation of Xingyiquan ……………………………………………...21
2-1. Introduction
2-2. The Foundation of Xingyiquan
2-3. Summary of Key Points
Chapter 3. Xingyi Qigong………………………………………………………………..77
3-1. About Xingyi Qigong 3-2. Xingyi Qigong Training
Chapter 4. Fundamental Moving Patterns ………………………………………………91
4-1. Introduction
4-2. The Three Body Posture
4-3. Pi Quan
4-4. Zuan Quan
4-5. Beng Quan
4-6. Pao Quan
4-7. Heng Quan
Chapter 5. Five Phases Linking Sequence……………………………………………...129
5-1. Introduction
5-2. Mutual Production and Conquest in Xingyiquan
5-3. Five Phases Linking Sequence
Chapter 6. Xingyiquan………………………………………………………………….145
6-1. Introduction
6-2. Xingyiquan
Chapter 7. An Shen Pao………………………………………………………………...195
7-1. Introduction
7-2. An Shen Pao
Chapter 8. Conclusion teift……………………………………………………………..213
Appendix A. Yue, Fei's Ten Important Theses…………………………………………215
Appendix B. Glossary of Chinese Terms………………………………………………249